Our focus is squarely on prevention.

We deliver innovative prevention focussed programs founded in evidence-based positive psychology.

We align our approach with best-practice frameworks and guidelines provided by regulators including WorkSafe Victoria’s WorkWell ProgramSafe Work Australia and the International Organisation for Standardisation  (ISO).

We consider On Country Aboriginal Cultural immersion to be a key driver for preventative mental health outcomes.

We consult and co-design with partner Aboriginal organisations, Elders and First Nations advisory panel when developing Cultural immersion programs.

Our willingness to be curious, face challenges, learn, and embrace new ways of being which enable us to grow that matter most.


We take a four-phase approach to delivering maximum benefits and outcomes through our program delivery

Research – in-depth evaluation and understanding the opportunity

Program design and development – investing resource to map and create evidence based and thought leading frameworks

Programs and partnerships – delivering programs and partnerships to enable meaningful program delivery and solutions

Impact and insights – measurement and evaluation of success indicators and continuous improvement


Preventative / Positive Mental Health is about mental wellness rather than mental illness.

The World Health Organization describes ‘mental health’ as “a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.”

The term ‘mental health’ is commonly used yet frequently misunderstood. Mental health’ indicates a healthy state of psychological wellbeing. 

To clearly articulate that our focus is ‘mental wellness’ rather than ‘mental illness’ we have adopted the phrase ‘preventative / positive mental health’. Professor Martin Seligman, the world-renowned of positive psychology and human flourishing, has identified six key elements of positive mental health:


 A healthy balance of heartfelt positivity which naturally boosts our resilience.


 Continued development of strengths and actively pursuing the things we are good at and enjoy doing.


Having authentic, meaningful and energising connections in our lives.


 A sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves, that what we are doing matters.


Belief in ourselves and the ability to achieve the things that matter most to us.


Looking after our bodies by eating well, moving regularly and sleeping deeply


For every $1 invested in effective positive mental health programs and initiatives, an average of $2.30 ROI is seen. 

ROI is seen both financially and culturally through reduced absenteeism, improved productivity, less mental illness compensation claims and the potential for significantly reduced insurance premiums.

Developing and maintaining a mentally healthy workplace has become a primary objective for thriving businesses in Australia.


The average mental health claim costs $75,000 & 15 weeks off work.

55% of Victorian employees who go on leave because of a psychological injury are still away from their jobs after six months.

16% of WorkCover claims are for mental injuries, this is expected to jump to 30% by 2030.

24% of employees will stay in a role if their employer supports and protects workers’ mental health.

14% of prospective employees consider an employer who supports and protects workers’ mental health as the second most important attribute when choosing a new job.

There has been 80% increase in mental injury in the last 3 years.

Absenteeism costs Australian business $200 billion per annum 

Research shows that a greater ROI and Positive Mental Health outcomes are achieved when programs include multiple activities, delivery methods and a holistic and integrated approach is adopted.


Life Again has developed a unique modular suite of programs which can be customised to meet the specific needs of the organisations we work with. 

We take a holistic and integrated approach – supporting leadership engagement, addressing culture and stigma right through to embedding mental health strategy and action plans co-design and development.  

By supporting your businesses to target the critical success factors towards establishing and sustaining a mentally healthy workplace on all levels. 

Book in for a free 60-minute consultation today


    Life Again’s Process of Change is a powerful formula through which we can begin to thrive. It is at the core of everything we do.

    Founded in positive psychology, the Life Again Process of Change empowers growth and the opportunity to experience positive emotion. 

    It is a practical working model of our three pillars 

    – Connection, Storytelling and Giving Back –

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    28 Thistlewaite St
    South Melbourne 3205