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Social Impact Project #1‘Shields First’Funding required - $250,000  Funding Goal - July 2022

‘Shields First’ – WILD1/Life Again is a land-based program that focuses on revitalising Anangu (Aboriginal person) Culture and practices that assist in cultural wellbeing and overall health for Aboriginal people in the western desert region of Central Australia. The program operates from the area of Kintore, Mt Liebig, Papunya communities, west of Alice Springs across the year, with the focus on camps on Country, conducted from April to November.

The Shields First program is a community-led project that has its origins in cultural mental health awareness and nangkari – traditional healer knowledge and expertise. Currently the program operates as a satellite service, delivering camps on Country to young people, with individual organisations (such as youth programs, community art centres, non-government organisations)

As a lore man in the Western desert Jamie Tjupurrula received his qualifications in healing and tool-making from the elders of the Western desert region. Jamie Tjupurrula draws on his life experiences and learning to forge a pathway of understanding between the modern world and Aboriginal cultural ways of wellbeing, healing and health.

We are also looking to expand the program in to other communities and have a number of volunteering opportunities associated.

Jamie Tjupurrula – facilitator
of the ‘Shields First’ –
WILD1 program.

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28 Thistlewaite St
South Melbourne 3205